Meet the Library Liaison Team: Russell Burke

We wanted to find a way to introduce the Academic Liaison team to all students, both new & returning so we have created a series of videos for you to watch!

Here, Russell was interviewed about himself, his role and much more!

Russell is the Subject Librarian for Classics, History, Modern Languages, Music.

Find out more about your subjects through our subject guides.

What are you most looking forward to?

Some of the Library Liaison team were asked what they were most looking forward to in the upcoming year.

Lots of changes are happening this year in the Library, keep up to date with improvements to the Library on our blog, the website and via Facebook & Twitter:

Meet the Library Liaison team: Lucinda Lyon

The Library staff were interviewed about themselves, their roles and much more!

Lucinda is the Subject Librarian for Criminology and Sociology, Economics, Management, Social Work.

Meet the Liaison team: Nancy Pontika

The Library staff were interviewed about themselves, their roles and much more!   Read Nancy’s interview below and let us know what you think!


Good Morning, if you’d like to start by introducing yourself        

My name is Nancy Pontika and I am… What do I need to say?

Your job title I guess?

I am the Information Consultant for Research at Royal Holloway, Bedford Library, University of London.

How long have you been at RHUL Library?

Well, I’ve been here since the 24th of June, with a long break for vacation.  So, actually it’s been a little over a month.

What is your role within the Library?

My role is to provide advice on Research. So everything that has to do with publishing, copyrights and open access, such as gold open access, green open access, funders’ policies. Now with the RCUK policy in place I deal with everything that has to do with Article Processing Charges (APCs), complying with the RCUK Open Access Policy, and in general just helping researchers on how to do things right.

Have you always worked in Libraries?

I have always worked in Libraries! Apart from small breaks when I was doing my PhD where I worked at the Tech Lab and at the Academic Technology.

My Undergrad degree is in Library Science and even before I graduate I’ve been working in Libraries. When I went to Boston to pursue the PhD at the Graduate School of Library and Information Science, Simmons College, I worked at the Tech Lab, where I was offering technology workshops to students. We would also have some hours where we would help the students with the “technology” they had to use for their courses, such as HTML, CSS, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Mediawiki etc. When I was working at the Academic Technology I was doing some workshops there too, but those were both to faculty/ staff and students and both online and face to face. I was also producing some educational materials, like hand-outs, printed and online versions, online tutorials, postcards and other informative leaflets.

What did you want to be when you were little?

I don’t know. I guess I wanted to be a journalist. But while I was growing up I realized that there are not a lot of “secure” jobs in the field.

Do you have any heroes and if you do, why are they your heroes?

Sir Tim Berners-Lee is my hero. He’s the person who invented the World Wide Web and the beauty is that he just donated it to the world, he gave it for free. Such a great invention! The World Wide Web totally changed my life and the lives of so many people. So yeah, put him down.

He changed the way we search for and retrieve information. The way information is presented to us and the way information has a meaning to us. For example when we do our shopping online or check the weather. I don’t know how people used to check the weather in the past! Did they sit in front of the TV and wait for the weather forecast? I can’t imagine my life without the World Wide Web. If you want to “punish” me give me a laptop without access to the World Wide Web. I will be so miserable.

What’s your degree in?

Well, I have an UG degree in Library & information Systems and I got this in Athens, Greece. I don’t have a master, I went straight for the PhD. My PhD is in Library and Information Science with a speciality on Information Science. If you wanted to narrow this down, I would say that I specialize on Open Access and more specifically on Funders’ Policies.

Do you have a favourite book [in library], and why?

The favourite book in the Library is Peter Suber ‘s book on Open Access. And why?  Because Open Access is my field of interest. It is also a great book. Peter breaks down the components of open access and the details so simply. You know he has a PhD in philosophy so he can use arguments very well! They all just make sense.

If you had a superhero alter ego, what would they be named, and what would your super power be?

The superpower would be the free of cost access to information so that everyone can have access. Diminishing all these worries regarding research, like promotion and impact factors, and just do research for the pleasure of doing research. This is a very competitive world for researchers. And the name for that would be… you tell me.

Open Access lady? Information Hero?

It would be the Researcher.

Oh that’s good!

The Free Researcher!

What project/event are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year? (Library related!)

I guess I am looking forward for the Open Repositories (OR14) Conference. It is in Helsinki and I’ve never been there before.

Describe working in the library in 3 words

Fun, there is cooperation and… quiet.

What advice would you give to a new student?

Be able to prioritise things. It’s not good to study all the time but it’s not good to party all the time. I guess students must be able to distinguish between the fun periods and the not so fun periods during the semester.

Would you rather, only be able to read the same book for the rest of your life but forget it as soon as you’ve read it, or never be able to read the same book twice?

I think the second, because I am kind of like the second. I can’t read the same the book twice unless it’s a book I have to memorise parts of it.

 Okay, cool that’s everything.  Thank you!

Thank you

Meet the Library Liaison Team: Adrian Machiraju

The Library staff were interviewed about themselves, their roles and much more!

Adrian is the Library Subject Librarian for Biological Sciences, Earth Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Security, Psychology.

He is also an expert in Reference Management Software- such as RefWorks & Endnote!

Find out more about your subjects through our subject guides.

Who is your Hero?

Some of the Library liaison team were asked if they had any heroes, check out this video to see if you share a hero with any of them!

Catch the Library Liaison team 10am-12 noon everyday throughout Welcome Week in the Welcome Week tent in the South Quad.

Check out our Twitter for further details

Meet the Liaison Team: Kim Coles

The Library staff were interviewed about themselves, their roles and much more!                                                     
Read Kim’s interview  below and let us know what you think!

KIM test

Hi there, if you’d like to start by introducing yourself

I’m Kim, and I’m the new Information Consultant for English, Drama & Theatre, Media Arts & Royal Holloway International.

How long have you been at RHUL Library?

I have been working here for 3 years now, but I was a student here before that so I actually haven’t left Royal Holloway yet. Laughs

Have you always worked in Libraries?

Since I’ve graduated yes, before that I had some jobs in department stores and fun things like that.

What did you want to be when you were little?

An Astronaut!

I really wanted to be an astronaut, and I wanted to go to Mars, that was my plan. And then,.. this is the tragic story of my life, then I went to.. is it in Leicester they’ve got that um space British space museum centre thing?! that’s embarrassing as I ought to know that. Yeah, so I went there, and I read up about how to be a pilot of a space shuttle and I read that trainee astronauts had to go through lots and lots of training to learn how to cope with zero-gravity and it made them all very ill. And I get very plane sick, so that was the moment I decided it was not for me and I was heartbroken but I thought, that’s it! I’ll never go. But that’s okay, because they might need librarians in space one day so if they sedate me, I’ll get there.

Do you have any heroes and if you do, why are they your heroes?

I don’t know if I’ve got sort-of traditional heroes.

I respect people who stick up for things that they think are important and stand up for themselves. So that’s one thing I was always taught when I was little that stuck, and this is the bit where I go ‘oh my family are my heroes’ because they’re really nice and they taught to respect others and do my own thing.

Who is one of my heroes?

I can come back to it if you want to have a think?

Yeah, let’s do that.

What’s your degree in?

Just the one, I’ve got a BA in English & Creative Writing. And I am currently half way through my Msc which will be in Library studies, information studies.

And that’s the one that the everyone takes to be an official..

Librarian yes

Do you have a favourite book [in library], and why?


Or just a favourite in life?

I have a favourite book and I have a favourite book in the library.

My favourite book in the library is some really random dictionary of easily confused words, because it’s just the most random thing I’ve found here so far. It’s just full of things like ‘oh you think this word means this? No in fact you are completely wrong!’ When I found it I just thought ‘why would anyone need this?!’


Ah, maybe you would.

It’s the only thing I could think of.

I think that’s just an odd thing to keep in an academic library. But I don’t think we should throw it away.

Probably my favourite book, and I am going to change my mind in about 5 minutes, but I am going to say Dune. Because I am a science fiction geek, and I love Dune, … it’s huge so it keeps you busy.

If you had a superhero alter ego, what would they be named, and what would your super power be?

My mundane life superpower is remembering the lyrics to songs that I hear. That’s useless in life! No-one is ever going to need the words to BeWitched songs.


Yeah but I can’t sing! So I could never be karaoke girl as a superhero because I can’t sing.. so I don’t know how that would be useful in an emergency situation… but I think that’s my superpower.

 What project/event are you most looking forward to in the upcoming year? (Library related!)

 I am probably most looking forward to the teaching bit, I’ve never got to teach students and I’d love to meet all my students from my subjects and talk them about the library and see what they think.

I am looking forward to doing stuff with the blog and social media and actually talking a bit more than just on the helpdesk and taking fines off people. So kinda nice things!

Describe working in the library in 3 words

Um,…caffeinated, I can’t think of any words that aren’t cheesy!

Can I say relaxing? Or does that make it sound like I don’t do my job?

Caffeinated and relaxing?

Caffeinated and relaxing, Yeah maybe not.. Definitely caffeinated, I drink a lot of tea and coffee when I am here.

I am going to think of some words, come back to me…

What advice would you give to a new student?

Probably; talk to lots of people and do lots of different things. And if you do things that are not fun, that’s also good because then you know what you’re not interested and you can dismiss it. So try lots of different things, and talk to lots of different people.

And that’s the best thing about Uni.

Would you rather, only be able to read the same book for the rest of your life but forget it as soon as you’ve read it, or never be able to read the same book twice?

All the books, but just once I think.  Because then I could remember them all and be very intelligent and go, ‘oh this is like when I read that book’ and this and that. Otherwise I’d feel like a goldfish because I’d get to the end and go, ‘oh a book!’ All over again.

Okay, so any more thoughts on your heroes?

At the moment I am quite impressed by Amanda Palmer – who’s a musician – because she’s very independent, which is really nice, but she has a collection of lovely people on Twitter and the like who support her, and each other. Listening to them talk is quite nice because they are all kinda empowered by her doing what she fancies and ignoring pressures like ‘you must lose weight to be on stage’, and then they do things that they want to do. And it’s a nice group of people who are all very very different, and a lot of them of are very different to me, but at the same time they are so inclusive. I think that people who are inclusive but allow you to be very different are nice people.

That’s a good answer! Have you thought any further about your 3 words?

I am really stuck on caffeinated! All the people are really lovely, and they bake cakes and make you tea..

Cake, tea and people?

Laughs Yeah.. I am really bad at this 3 words.. I should have loads of synonyms in my head as an English graduate.

I can’t think of three words, I know I like working in libraries but I can’t sum it up in 3 words.

That’s your answer then.

Thank you Kim!

Check out our Twitter for further updates from the Library.

Find out more about your subjects through our subject guides.



What is your favourite book & why?

Some of the Library Liaison Team were asked what their favourite book (in the Library) was, & why?

The answers may surprise you! We hope you enjoy it!

We hope that your time at Royal Holloway will help to inspire some favourite things from books and places, to subjects and people!

You can catch the Library Liaison team 10am-12 noon everyday throughout Welcome Week in the Welcome Week tent in the South Quad.

Check out our Twitter for when your subject librarian is in the tent!

Meet the Library Liaison Team: Helen Westwood

We wanted to find a way to introduce the Academic Liaison team to all students, both new & returning so we have created a series of videos for you to watch!

The first interview is with Helen Westwood, she is the Head of Academic Liaison whilst also supporting Information Literacy, European Studies, Geography,Politics and International Relations departments.

Watch Helen’s video  

We hope you enjoy it!

Find out more about your subjects through our subject guides.


The Library: A Students’ Perspective

We talked to a range of students about their experiences in the Libraries at Royal Holloway, and asked if they had any advice for new students.

This is what they said…

Stay up to date with our videos and guides we’ll be releasing throughout #RHULWelcomeweek but following us on twitter and like us on facebook!