Tag Archives: RHDigitalU

#RHDigitalU: Digital Skills for University and Beyond

The Library has teamed up with Careers and CeDAS to offer you a series of digital skills sessions throughout November. These sessions can help you succeed in your studies as well as help improve your career prospects once you graduate.

  1. Careers are starting the series with a LinkedIn Day on Wednesday 12th November, which includes 2 workshops, a webinar, 1:1 appointments and a chance to get a professional photograph taken for your profile. You can just attend one part of the day or the whole programme – it’s up to you! Book now!




2. On 19th November, the Library is holding a workshop on how you are perceived online. This is the ideal opportunity to check your online identity and ensure that nothing from your digital past could come back to haunt you. Book now!



3. On 26th November, there will be a workshop from CeDAS on apps that can help you with your research. Book now!
