How do I cite a Tweet?

So you’ve found a tweet that will be really useful in your dissertation, or essay…



But how do you reference it?


Author/Organisation [Twitter handle]. (Year, month, day of tweet). Full text of tweet [Tweet]. Retrieved from url of tweet.

Royal Holloway Picture Gallery [RHULGallery]. (2014, December 3). It’s the penultimate opening hours of the term. Come and see our amazing art collection today from 11-4pm before we close for the holidays! [Tweet]. Retrieved from:


Author/Organisation, Twitter post, Month day, year of tweet, time of tweet, url of user’s twitter profile.

Royal Holloway Picture Gallery, Twitter post, December 3, 2014, 11:34 a.m.,


Author/Organisation, Year. Full text of tweet [Twitter]. Day/month tweet written. Available at: <URL> [Date accessed].

Royal Holloway Picture Gallery, 2014. It’s the penultimate opening hours of the term. Come and see our amazing art collection today from 11-4pm before we close for the holidays! [Twitter]. 3 December. Available at: [3 December 2014]


(a) Twitter @handles and #hashtags should be preserved where given. Care should be taken to identify the original rather than an echo such as a retweet. Postings should be identified by the writer and date, but time of day is unnecessary, and no URL need be given. The writer should be identified by both real name and, in round brackets, the username or handle being used, unless the handle alone is identifiable as it stands.

Royal Holloway Picture Gallery (@RHULGallery) It’s the penultimate opening hours of the term. Come and see our amazing art collection today from 11-4pm before we close for the holidays! 3 December 2014.


Begin the entry in the works-cited list with the author’s real name and, in parentheses, user name, if both are known and they differ. If only the user name is known, give it alone.
Next provide the entire text of the tweet in quotation marks, without changing the capitalization. Conclude the entry with the date and time of the message and the medium of publication (Tweet).

Royal Holloway Picture Gallery (RHULGallery) “It’s the penultimate opening hours of the term. Come and see our amazing art collection today from 11-4pm before we close for the holidays!” 3 December 2014, 11:34 a.m. Tweet.



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